- P(gun)]
surging--- To increase suddenly. Used of electric current or voltage=accelerating
surpass--- To be or go beyond, as in degree or quality; exceed^=exceed, outrun
sustain--- To keep in existence; maintain^m(x)棻S=maintain
sustenance--- Something, especially food, that sustains life or healthIB(yng)ָʳ=fare Food and drink; dietʳ
Means of livelihoodӋ(j)=livelihood
supplement---Something added to complete a thing, make up for a deficiency, or extend or strengthen the wholea(b)Áija(b)䲻U(ku)չӏ(qing)=extension
An addition that increases the area, influence, operation, or contents of somethingU(ku)
supreme---Greatest in importance, degree, significance, character, or achievementҪ=outstanding
succinct---Characterized by clear, precise expression in few words; concise and terse(jin)=concise
sufficient---Being as much as is needed=adequate
sumptuous---Of a size or splendor suggesting great expense; lavishAM(fi)ݳ=luxurious
substantial--Considerable in importance, value, degree, amount, or extentشr(ji)ֵ=considerable Worthy of consideration; significantҪ
substitute---One that takes the place of another; a replacementƷ=replacement, in place of
subsidize---To assist or support with a subsidyԽNa(b)=finance To supply funds tooṩY
subtle--So slight as to be difficult to detect or analyze; elusivew(x)ģ(x)С=slight
subsidy---Monetary assistance granted by a government to a person orsgroupsin support of an enterprise regarded as being in the public interesta(b)=financingͨY
subject to ---...l;...u;ܿ=expose to, susceptible to
stretch---A continuous or unbroken length, area, or expanseBm(x)L(zhng)^(q)g=span The extent or measure of space between two points or extremities, as of a bridge or roof; the breadthȃc(din)ɶgĿg
strike---To engage in a strike agai