

時(shí)間:2024-09-09 09:15:59 志彬 學(xué)人智庫(kù) 我要投稿




  低碳生活英語(yǔ)作文 1

  Recently,low-carbon becomes a high-frequency and fashionable word which gets the greatest concern in the world.

  Low-carbon life means a kind of lifestyle in which people do their best to reduce energy consumption and carbon greenhouse gas emissions.

  It is of vital importance for the whole world to practice the low-carbon lifestyle.Firstly,our natural resources and energy are limited; therefore,it is absolutely necessary for us to save and protect them.Secondly,in order to protect our environment from serious greenhouse effect,we need a low-carbon emission.

  It is low-carbon life that enables our next generations to live a better and superior life.

  What we should bear in mind is that the earth is common home.

  Thus,every one is well advised to practice this lifestyle and there are several ways for us to do this.

  Firstly,every one is expected to cultivate their awareness of saving energy.

  Then,we are also hoped to help our families and friends to live a low-carbon life.

  Only by doing so can we hope to create a world where all humans enjoy a clean and tidy environment.

  低碳生活英語(yǔ)作文 2

  Low -carbon life With the development of science and technology,people are attaching more and more signifance to low-carbon lifestyle.

  There is no denying that we should lead a low-carbon life.

  For example ,we should turn off the light when we leave the classroom,turn off the water tap when we finish washing and so on.

  Whats more/Furthermore,its our duty to lead a low-carbon life,which does good to our environment/sustainable development.Let us lead a low- carbon life !

  低碳生活英語(yǔ)作文 3

  After reading some articles about "low-carbon life", I gradually understand what "low-carbon life" is. I decided to start my own "low carbon life".

  1. Start with saving a drop of water and electricity, and establish a thrifty lifestyle. For example, after finishing homework, turn off the desk lamp immediately; After washing your hands, screw the faucet tightly to prevent the water from "escaping"; Before going to bed, turn off the indicator light on the electrical outlet.

  2. Save resources and recycle wastes. Whenever I see my mother trying to throw away the bucket of washing powder, I will go forward and stop it. I will make it into a small trash can.

  3. Consciously protect the living environment and actively participate in greening and beautifying activities. Growing flowers is the hobby of our whole family. The chlorophytum and ivy at home are full of green all year round. They absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

  4. Classify the garbage, divide them into recyclable and non-recyclable categories, and throw them into the corresponding trash can.

  This is my low-carbon life. If everyone lives a low-carbon lifestyle like me, our shared earth and society will be better.

  低碳生活英語(yǔ)作文 4

  We know that there are carbon reduction factors in all aspects of life, such as saving water, electricity and gas.

  Everyone knows to save water, but its my grandparents who insist on doing it every day. Grandma uses two washbasins for the last time after washing vegetables and scouring rice every morning, and one basin is used to wash rags or flush toilets when cleaning; The other pot is left for grandpa to water the flowers. The flowers like to wash rice and grow very luxuriantly.

  I remember one time, I pressed the flush switch after going to the toilet, and my grandmother heard me say that there was water next to me, so I would flush it with the water in the basin next time. I smiled and said that you are really economical. But grandma said that water and electricity are not inexhaustible. If we keep wasting like this, we will run out of these two kinds of energy one day. You see, it is difficult to live in Yunnan because of lack of water.

  Maybe grandpa and grandmas frugal habits have influenced me, and now I watch TV very quietly. The habit of turning on the night light every night has also changed. If I leave the computer, I will let it "sleep" for a while.

  Nowadays, everyone advocates a low-carbon life. Lets strive to be a low-carbon family to make our planet cleaner, healthier and more beautiful.

  低碳生活英語(yǔ)作文 5

  Recently, "low-carbon life" has become popular on the Internet. I heard that if the earth warms up by 3 degrees, it will lead to volcanic eruption and tsunami ... I was scared out in a cold sweat. I vowed not to waste any more, so I joined this "team".

  In the morning, when I was washing my face, I paid special attention to the tap and turned down the water. Put a basin under it so that it wont be wasted when dripping. I ran to have a look when my mother was washing her face. Seeing that my mother was boiling a lot of water, she turned it down at an arrow speed. Mom looked at it and said happily, "I grew up and learned to be" low-carbon "!" I was flattered by this.

  In my spare time, I didnt play my favorite computer game "Sail". Instead, I opened the wizard of oz. This will not only be low-carbon, but also learn many good words and sentences. What a kill two birds with one stone!

  After school, I didnt go out to play with my friends, but did my homework quickly. It was finished by 7 oclock, saving a lot of electricity.

  This is my "low-carbon life", and you?

  低碳生活英語(yǔ)作文 6

  I didnt know anything about "ecological civilization" and "low-carbon life" before. Later, through watching TV and my fathers patient explanation, I finally realized that protecting the natural environment, flowers and trees, and wildlife are also several ways to protect ecological civilization. Saving electricity, water and green travel all belong to "low-carbon life." Knowing this, I will turn off the desk lamp in time after finishing my homework every day. If the light is bright during the day, I will try not to turn off the light, and turn off the light in time before going to bed. In short, try to save electricity.

  When my mother washes vegetables, I will remind my mother to turn off the faucet in time, and use the water from washing vegetables to flush the toilet. I will also turn off the faucet in time after using up the water, so as to achieve the effect of "saving water".

  Usually, when we go out to play on holidays, our family also tries to go by bus. If its not far, we will walk or ride a bike and try our best to "travel green".

  This is our familys "low-carbon life". Students, how much do you know about these? Lets work together to protect the earth environment!

  低碳生活英語(yǔ)作文 7

  Its really hot today! The sun outside is burning, and the home is like a steamer, which is hot. There was no air conditioner at home, so I said to my mother, "Mom, its very hot today. Why dont you turn on the air conditioner?" Mom said, "You will go upstairs and do your homework later. Go to your room and turn on the air conditioner." "Why dont you open the living room downstairs? Arent you hot? " I asked, puzzled. Mom said, "There are many advantages to not turning on the air conditioner downstairs. First, save electricity. The living room downstairs is big and there are few people. Is it necessary to turn on the air conditioner? Besides, turning on two air conditioners upstairs is even more electricity-consuming. Now advocate a low-carbon life. Second, it is not good for people to stay in air-conditioned rooms all day. It is not easy to get sick if they sweat more. " "Oh," I didnt expect my mother to tell so many truths.

  After lunch, grandma wanted to turn off the air conditioner in the restaurant. I said, "After a while, why should I turn off the air conditioner?" Grandma said, "arent you going to take a nap in the bedroom with the air conditioner on?" I said, "I want to read here for a while." Grandma said, "Its still a little cold after turning off the air conditioner. We should also learn to live a low-carbon life." "Oh" I nodded.

  We learn low carbon and environmental protection now, and we will make our home more beautiful and better in the future!

  低碳生活英語(yǔ)作文 8

  My mother told me: With the development of the world industrial economy, the sharp increase of population, the unlimited rise of human desire and the uncontrolled production and lifestyle, a large number of forests have been destroyed, rivers and air pollution are serious, and the world climate is facing more and more serious problems. The carbon dioxide emissions are increasing, the ozone layer of the earth is suffering from an unprecedented crisis, and global catastrophic climate changes have appeared frequently, which has seriously endangered the living environment and health and safety of human beings.

  Nowadays, more and more people realize the seriousness of the problem, and more and more people have joined the new lifestyle of low-carbon life, aiming at minimizing the energy consumed in life schedules and thus reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

  As a primary school student, I think a low-carbon life can start from the small things around me. For example, the water used to wash vegetables, face and feet is saved for flushing the toilet; When you leave the room, turn off the lights, computers and other electrical appliances and power supplies; Take a cup with you when you go out, and dont use a disposable cups or a bowl; The electric light at home changed my father into an energy-saving lamp; The round trip is short, so try to walk or ride a bike as much as possible ...

  In fact, there are many ways to live a low-carbon life. As long as we pay more attention at ordinary times, we can certainly do it.

  低碳生活英語(yǔ)作文 9

  Alas! Nowadays, the rich and expensive life leads to every family wasting water and electricity ... But my family is different, because my family has entered a low-carbon life.

  Our family doesnt waste every drop of water, but always recycles it. The rice water is used for watering flowers, washing vegetables and washing hands, and the water for washing feet will be used for mopping the floor and flushing toilets. Isnt that killing two birds with one stone?

  We wont waste any electricity either. Dad changed all the electricity into energy-saving lamps. In the past, when my fathers mobile phone was charged, he waited until the next morning to unplug it from the socket. But now, as soon as it was charged, he unplugged it immediately, saving electricity.

  Cars and motorcycles in my family dont drive casually. In order to live a low-carbon life, mom and dad insist on going out by bike every day. And every time we go to the supermarket, we dont use plastic bags, but use our own cloth green bags.

  The ancients put it well: "If you dont accumulate steps, you wont reach a thousand miles, and if you dont accumulate small streams, you wont be able to become a river." I believe that "low-carbon life" must not be a slogan as long as everyone works together and starts from life. We will have a bright future.

  低碳生活英語(yǔ)作文 10

  "Low-carbon life" is a strange word. What does it mean? Today, I asked my father, and my father told me that a low-carbon life means saving. For example: save water, drive less cars and drink less; Use less disposable water cups and plastic bags; Use less Internet and save electricity. Why should we save? Because if we dont save and waste energy, we will emit a lot of carbon dioxide to nature, which will lead to the temperature rise of the earth and the deterioration of the environment. Now its hard for me to see the blue sky and sparkling little stars in Shenzhen. I really dont know what the earth will look like in the future.

  I am a primary school student. I am going to save water, take a shower quickly, and leave the water for washing vegetables at home to flush the toilet and water the flowers. When it rains, the water is used to flush the toilet. During this time, I saw the drought in Yunnan online, where the land was cracked and the children had no water to drink. I was very sad to see it. I thought that I wasted water at ordinary times and felt it was too bad. I should also start saving water.

  I go to school to play dulcimer every week, and my father drives me there every time. Now I know that driving will pollute the environment, so I will walk or ride my bike in the future.

  低碳生活英語(yǔ)作文 11

  I used to be very wasteful. Since I promoted a low-carbon life, I began to save. As long as I dont waste, I can save some energy for nature.

  In summer, the weather is really hot and the ground is burning. My parents and I hid at home and turned on the air conditioner. It was very cool and comfortable. After a while, my father adjusted the temperature to 23 degrees Celsius. I said, "Dad, turn off the air conditioner. Its cool to fan the fan below." Dad said, "You are such a thrifty child." Another time, I saw my father get up and said to him, "Dad, shall we go out for breakfast today?" Dad: "OK, shall we drive or walk today?" I said, "Lets walk there. We can also exercise, save fuel and money, and more importantly, we wont pollute the air." Dad said, "My son is really sensible." With all kinds of destruction, the ozone layer of the earth has suffered unprecedented pollution.

  Everyone can live a low-carbon life. As long as we put our heart into it and act, we will do good for the earth.

  低碳生活英語(yǔ)作文 12

  Since I heard the word "low-carbon life" on TV (news), I couldnt wait to run into my fathers study and ask him. What is a "low carbon life"?

  Dad told me that low-carbon life is to advocate the concept of energy saving, environmental protection and health. Nowadays, "low-carbon life" is increasingly understood by the country, society and even ordinary people, and this lifestyle has gradually become a fashionable life trend.

  After listening to my fathers words, I made up my mind to be a small participant in a low-carbon life. Therefore, I collected all the books that I couldnt put on clothes and didnt want to read, and donated them to remote rural areas to help children from poor families.

  I remember when I was at school, I always asked my father to drive me to work. In order to live a low-carbon life, I asked my father to buy me a bike and let me ride my bike to school, so that I could exercise and reduce the exhaust emissions of cars.

  Low-carbon life can make our home more beautiful, make our life more exciting and perfect, and reduce pollution everywhere. Low-carbon life starts with you and me!










