- 相關(guān)推薦
一提到托福,大家會馬上和出國聯(lián)系起來。其實,學習托福絕不僅僅只是為了出國,它的意義主要在于以下三個方面。第一,托福高分對于申請出國讀名校及拿獎學金有著不可忽視的參考作用。第二,在外企在招聘中,如果應聘者可以提供較高的托福成績,也是非常有利的一項競爭指標。 第三,托福的內(nèi)容能夠真正幫助大家提高英語水平。其中的聽力部分,絕對是練就一口地道美語和切實提高聽力水平的利器。下面,我就結(jié)合托福聽力部分的內(nèi)容和大家談談如何提高自己的口語。
A: How about a movie tonight? That new comedy is opening in town.
B: Sounds great, but I’ve got to put the finishing touches on my psychology research paper.
A: Let’s go to a movie after dinner.
B: That’s tempting. However, the tennis tournament’s tomorrow and I need to get a short practice session tonight.
A: A bunch of us are getting together to go to the basketball game on Saturday afternoon. You want to come?
B: Oh, I’d love to, but I have to work.
從上面的例子可以看出,只要聽到外國人說:I’d love to, but.../ I’d like to, however…/ Sounds great, trouble is…之類的內(nèi)容,后面基本上都是提出一個原因來委婉地拒絕第一個人的邀請。另外,我們一般都是在表示感謝時說thanks,而外國人也會用它來委婉的表達拒絕的。例如:
A: Would you like me to water your plants while you are away?
B: Thanks for the offer, but Mark already said he’d keep an eye on them.
A: Do you think you might like to join the university gardening club?
B: Oh, thanks for the invitation. But this is how I relax. I’d rather not make it something formal and structured.
A: Oh, we had the best tour guide when we were in San Francisco. I recommend him very highly when you go there next month.
B: Thanks, but I’ll be staying with my family and they are taking care of everything.
A: The drama club is holding auditions for their annual play, it’s a musical. What do you think?
B: To tell you the truth, I don’t really act or sin