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make our world beautiful
JEFC Book 3 Unit 3《Make our world more beautiful》教學片段案例 教學目的:“環(huán)境保護”已是近年來的一個熱門話題,它與人們的日常生活密切相關,是學生比較熟悉的話題之一。談論學生比較熟悉的環(huán)境問題,容易抓住學生的興奮點,話題基于學生的生活世界,人人有話可說,積極踴躍參與,課堂氣氛活躍。本教學片段將針對這一話題展開討論。教師采用“任務型”教學方法,提出問題層層設疑,師生平等共同學習,使學生深刻地受到了一次環(huán)境保護的教育,從而明白了人與自然應和諧相處,才能真正享受到美好生活的道理。教學重點:本課是學習關于環(huán)境的課文。通過優(yōu)美的環(huán)境圖片和遭受嚴重破壞的環(huán)境圖片對比呈現,使學生不由自主地向往美好的生活環(huán)境,痛恨種種破壞自然的行徑,也促使學生反思自己過去的行為,激發(fā)學生的正義感和社會責任感, 從而鍛煉學生的口頭表達能力。老師采取層層深入提問和設計一些有計劃的活動,拓寬學生知識面,并運用所學的知識開展積極的思維活動。教學手段:采取authorware多媒體課件進行教學教學步驟 :(教師從報刊雜志或利用網絡等多種途徑搜集有關人為破壞環(huán)境的圖片資料)T: Now boys and girls, I’d like to show you some pictures. Please watch them carefully, describe them and tell us how you feel.(教師利用多媒體手段呈現以下畫面)1. 清晨的公園里鳥語花香,人們悠閑地鍛煉健身、跑步等。2. 茂密的森林里,陽光普照,動物們在戲耍。 3. 大海邊大樹環(huán)繞,綠草鋪地,海里游人戲水。4. 晴夜,星光燦爛,皎月似水,一對對情侶在樹叢中依偎私語。(學生認真觀看,發(fā)出陣陣贊嘆聲)T: They are beautiful pictures, right? Now who would like to say something about the pictures?(Task 1)S1: This is a park. In the morning, there are all kinds of beautiful flowers, birds are singing. Some people are having sports, like running slowly. T: Yes, good. Now can you tell us how you feel?S1: Beautiful. And it is also very nice, maybe quiet.S2: Picture 2 is a forest. There are a lot of trees. They are beautiful and tall. The sun is shining brightly through the forest. Many animals are playing happily. They are enjoying themselves.S3: I think it’s a sea in Picture 3. There are many trees around the sea. They are tall and straight. Under the trees, we can see many people lying on the green grass. The water in the sea is very clean and blue and many people are swimming in the sea. I hope I was one of them.T: That’s my dream, too. Maybe we can go there for a visit one day.S4: That’s a very nice evening. In the sky, there are many bright stars. The moon is round and it’s shining brightly. Some couples are talking happily under the trees.T: How beautiful! On such an evening, what do you want to do?S4: Take a walk with my best friend along the river.T: Good idea!S5: Have a good drink in the park.S6: Walk into the quiet forest and do some thinking.S7: I will just stay at home, watching the sky and stars with my 望遠鏡(telescope)T: Yes, wonderful. But I think the chance to see such a beautiful scene is getting less and less, do you agree with me ?Ss: Yes. (nod their heads)T: So you know that the earth is being destroyed by Man. I think you have collected many pictures about that, right? Who will show your pictures to us?(學生呈現搜集來的圖片:1.光禿禿的山頭2.骯臟發(fā)臭的河流3.沙塵暴肆虐4.干燥開裂的黃土地5.灰蒙蒙的天空,高聳入云的大煙囪,濃煙滾滾6.被原油污染的海灘,死魚隨處可見,海鷗在悲哀地盤旋)(學生邊看邊搖頭,顯然受到很大的觸動)T: So what do you think now, class? I feel really sad. (Task 2 )Ss: Terrible…dirty!…S8: They made me sick.S9: We can’t live on the earth any more. It’s not good for our health.S1: The earth is no more our beautiful and lovely home.T: Then who do you think should be punished?Ss: Humans./Human beings/ Man.T: Have you seen such a scene around you? (Task 3 )S10: Yes. The river near our school is very dirty. We can’t swim in it. The factory is pouring waste water into the river every day.S4: The streets in our city are not clean enough.S7: People throw rubbish everywhere.. . . T: Yes. You know our lovely home is becoming dirtier and uglier . Then what should we do to help improve the environment? ( Task 4 )S2: Don’t cut down trees any more. We should plant more trees and flowers.S3: Don’t throw rubbish on the ground.S8: Move the factories out of cities.. . . T: Good suggestions! I’m really proud of you. But have you ever done something to help protect our country? ( task 5 )(學生陷入思考反。㏕: OK. Let’s come to the passage, read it carefully and think about the questions. You may ask yourselves or your partners.(學生開始閱讀、思考與同桌交流) 教學案例蘊含的理念:一、課程要面向社會生活實踐《新英語課程標準》基本理念(六)中指出英語課程力求合理利用和積極開發(fā)課程資源,給學生提供貼近學生實際、貼近生活、貼近時代的內容健康和豐富的課程資源。即要把學生從課程領入社會生活的實踐之中。一方面可以拓展課程時空,使學習不再僅指一堂課所學的內容,它打開了學生的視野,把多種有關知識濃縮在了一起;另一方面把生活世界提供給學生理解和體驗,提高學生對生活的深刻理解和深入感悟,使他們不斷領悟人生的意義,了解人不但活著,而且知道人應該怎樣活著,使他們在與世界的溝通中感受生命的崇高,使精神世界日益豐富起來。如在本案例中,教師首先使用多媒體形象生動地呈現四幅圖畫,讓學生直觀地感受鳥語花香、椰風海韻等。接著反問“but I think the chance to see such a scene is getting less and less, do you agree with me?” 這時讓學生展示搜集來的圖片資料,談感受,使學生真切地明白:人類隨意亂扔垃圾,亂排污水,亂砍濫伐,使地球資源受到破壞,水土流失加劇,沙塵暴肆虐等。人們的正常生活已受到嚴重影響,人類本身受到了大自然的報復。兩次正反畫面的展示和對比,使學生觸動極大,愛護環(huán)境,保護家園的強烈責任感油然而生,反省自身,使學生懂得:愛護環(huán)境,人人有責,保護環(huán)境,從我做起。二、讓課堂教學充滿創(chuàng)新活動《新英語課程標準》中指出基礎教育階段英語課程的任務之一為培養(yǎng)學生的觀察、記憶、思維、想象能力和創(chuàng)新精神。開發(fā)學生的思維能力和培養(yǎng)學生的創(chuàng)新精神,是人的個性發(fā)展價值的需要。在本案例中,教師的幾個問話,如“Then what should we do to help improve the environment?”, 學生的主動性即被調動起來,當然思考研討氛圍也隨之而起,學生積極發(fā)言,群策群力。教師把書本知識與現實生活結合起來,加深了學生的感情認識,豐富了語言學習的內容。學生的創(chuàng)造潛能在這樣的氛圍中得到了發(fā)揮和展示。三、給每一個學生以平等民主是現代課程中的重要理念。民主最直接的體現是課程實施中學生能夠平等地參與。沒有主動參與,只有被動參與,就沒有民主可言。相反,如果沒有民主,學生的參與就不是主體參與,而是被動消極的參與。在課程進行中,教師應當放棄外在性權威,努力形成以知識、素養(yǎng)與人格魅力為內容,以與人為善、和藹可親為外部特征的內在性權威,以學生平等相待,這樣每個學生都能主動參與教學,體現了師生間、生生間的平等關系。在本案例中,教師給學生足夠的平臺空間,自由談論發(fā)言,并對各個學生的發(fā)言加以肯定,使學生在平等和諧的氛圍中盡情暢談心中的想法。
make our world beautiful
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